Today, instead of providing all the scientific facts (and there are plenty. If you want to know scientific facts about Ningxia Wolfberry, I'd recommend purchasing the book: Ningxia Wolfberry: the Ultimate Superfood by Gary oung MN, Ronald Lawrence MD, PhD, Marc Schreuder)of the ability of Ningxia Red and Juva Flex to make a difference in people's lives that have liver issues I'm going to provide instead actual Testimonials:
Testimonial: That Wolfberry juice
Author: Deborah Carlton
Location: Yarmouth, ME, United States
Posted: 2006-05-07
One of my clients literally tracked me down for another bottle of that delicious Wolfberry Juice at the health fair this weekend.
This man is 75, has been a drinker all of his adult life and this is his choice. One could imagine the shape of his liver and expresses the typical symptoms and discomforts that one might expect. I had pointed to the wolfberry juice because he had been sick with a persistent respiratory infection, but also because of its benefits for the liver. He had agreed to try the first bottle somewhat skeptically, and I hadn’t heard from him since, so thought nothing of it. But as the end of that bottle drew near, he was pretty determined to get more of that 'kickapoo juice' and said simply that it was 'making him feel better.'
Recovered from liver failure & cardiac arrest
Author: Jennifer Holden
Location: Maple Grove, MN, United States
Posted: 2008-08-03
Dear Friends,
I've decided to start by sharing a little bit about my story. My hope is that others might experience the same incredible healing I now appreciate. Please share this information with others.
The following is a version of a letter I sent to Gary & Mary Young, founders of Young Living, after a life changing experience I feel I had as a result of using their products.
Dear Gary & Mary,
I want to extend a heart-filled thanks to both of you, for your hard work and dedication, as well as to all others who make Young Living possible. I feel very strongly that because of God's amazing grace and your efforts, which have resulted in the product line you offer, I am literally alive today to share the following with you.
In a nutshell, I was hospitalized on Monday, March 17, 2008. I experienced liver failure and cardiac arrest, which landed me in intensive care. On Wednesday, March 19th my liver enzyme levels were the following: the ALT was 5907 & the AST was at 3116. My INR level was also at 2.57. As I'm sure you know, the normal liver enzyme level range is between 0 & 50, and the normal INR range is 0.86 & 1.14. I was transferred to another hospital and put under the care of a liver transplant team. The doctors did not expect me to recover without a liver transplant.
On Tuesday, I had called my sister, Brenda, and the rest of my family. Brenda, bless her soul, brought me 4 bottles of NingXia Red, Young Living personal care products and rubbed oils on my feet for hours at a time. Upon her oils treatments and the drinking of NingXia Red (a bottle a day), my enzyme levels started dropping dramatically. By Saturday, March 22nd, 1 day before Easter and 3 days before my 34th birthday, I was sent home. My enzyme levels were still around 2500, but the doctors said they had done all they could and hopped that my numbers would continue to decline. I was advised to follow up with my primary care physician weekly.
By April 25th, 2008, approximately 1 month later, my liver enzyme levels were back to normal (ALT 33 & AST 36)!! My INR levels, and everything else that was off, also went back to normal.
Some doctors said that they had never seen anything like it, that I had experienced a miracle. It was also stated that long-term permanent damage is not anticipated. My healing experience IS a miracle, a GIFT from God, but I also acknowledge and know that the products you have made possible are a HUGE part of the equation and reason for my miraculous healing.
I am now, still, drinking NingXia Red daily, taking JuvaTone, using Juva Flex or Juva Cleanse and other Young Living products to keep my health on the right track. And now, more than ever, I am really excited about telling people about the products you offer, with the hope that they too will have the opportunity to experience the same miraculous healing!
Thank you again for your work and for all the love and support provided through the opportunity of being part of the Young Living Family.
May God continue to bless you and your family, much love and appreciation,
Author: Julie Banks
Location: Superior, WI, United States
Posted: 2005-07-20
I was diagnosed with hepato-pulmonary syndrome. I was on oxygen 24/7! (My lungs were being affected because of cirrhosis of my liver) I spoke with the only known specialist worldwide for this condition at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He told me I would be on oxygen for the rest of my life. I started cleansing my liver and putting Juva Flex directly on my liver and my liver foot reflexology point. Within two weeks I was off the oxygen! This was Jan. '05 and I am still great! I don't use the oil every day anymore but I still use it for back-up...just in case. The oils work sooo well. I thank The Lord & Gary Young for this wonderful oil and Young Living!!
Ningxia Red for Fibromyalgia
Author: Brent Gast
Location: Bemidji, MN, United States
Posted: 2005-10-05
My mother-in-law had been suffering with Fibromyalgia for some time and was slowly getting worse. She is a nurse in an O.R. department and works long hours, up at 4:30a.m. and to bed around 9:30 p.m. For pain she was on Tramadal HCL two to four times per day, she took 600mg of Ibuprophin 4 times a day and was taking a muscle relaxer Orphenadrine Citrate ER twice a day as needed. (In the evening). She was unable to sleep in her bed any more and still couldn't sleep all the night through in her recliner.
My wife Sara and I had just joined Young Living and had our new Essential Oils Desk Reference and When my mother-in-law came over she wanted to know what it said about Fibromyalgia. On page 336 it says 'Fibromyalgia is an acid condition in which the liver is Toxic.' On page 463 in the section on Ningxia Wolfberry research it says it 'protects liver function'.
So we thought if she only tries one thing it may be a good choice to try Ningxia Red. So she ordered a bottle 'to help us out'. She started drinking 2 Tbs each morning, for about two weeks then she felt kind of better so she figured she would just quit drinking it. Within a couple days she noticed the pain returning and thought 'maybe it was working' and started her two Tbs per morning again and within one more week of starting back up she was off ALL the meds even Ibuprophen. She sleeps through the night in bed. She tells us she feels energetic and pain free, and will not go with out it again. So by trying one bottle she knows it helps her to get through her day and feels like doing things in the evening, even after a long day at work.
I have seen the difference in her, it's almost like two different people. If someone you know suffers from Fibromyalgia it is worth mentioning.
Liver cancer is history
Author: Beverly Carter
Location: Houston, TX, United States
Posted: 2006-11-17
An old friend has been fighting breast cancer for 16 years and it had moved into her liver. The doctor's tried everything and recommended her for hospice.
I made a Liver Cancer blend of 30 drops frankincense, 20 drops lavender, 10 drops tsuga, 10 drops ledum and 4 Tablespoons of castor oil. These were supposed to be applied directly over the liver but since she was unconscious and attached to a lot of tubing, I got her husbands approval and I simply applied them to her feet - praying over the oils and commanding them to do the work in her body that God created them to do and calling down supernatural healing from Heaven on her behalf.
That night, the nurses said she slept more peacefully than any night she had been in the hospital. The next day, however, the doctor's had further bad news. They told the family that the cancer had moved to her brain and was metastasizing and that it was attacking the area that created speech, so basically she would never be able to talk to her family again and she would only survive 24hrs - 10 days tops.
I simply took all of that news and filed it in my 'whatever' bin and anointed her again on her feet with the blend I had put together. Her family began calling it her daily spa treatment. But I knew it was more powerful than that and God knew even more - in fact He had other plans all together. On the third day, she was awake and answering questions by nodding. I did her 'spa treatment' and prayed over her.
On the fourth day she was talking - answering simple 'yes' and 'no' but TALKING - doctors were baffled - I was not. I knew each day that something else WONDERFUL was going to happen. On the fifth day, she was fully talking, laughing and joking with the nurses and teasing her brother. She was now requesting 'spa treatments'. She also began to have bowel movements - several - this even though she had been on only IV's for 3-4 weeks! I believe her body was cleansing and getting rid of the cancer! PRAISE THE LORD!!
On the sixth day, they announced she was strong enough and they transferred her to a hospice near her home. The doctors still expected her to die. They kept saying that this was a temporary recovery before the end - God bless 'em.
In case some of you are unaware, hospice is the place where they send patients to die. It is terminal care to make them comfortable when medical science has done all they know to do and can't do anymore. It is extremely depressing and no one leaves hospice except to go into eternity. No one, that is, except someone that God has supernaturally healed. That is right, she was in hospice about a week and they told her to go home - they just couldn't understand why someone eating regular food and showering on their own needed hospice!
Wishing you more Wealth and Riches in your health and every area of your life!
Dexter Black
To Order Ningxia Red Juva Flex go to
and put in Member Number: 1085586 when ordering.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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